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Tag Archives: Prop A
Prop A Proponents Send Out Untrue Mailer
Gawd I am tired of the pile of slick sheets in my mailbox! These mailers are touchable evidence about how much money is being spent on elections. The local assembly candidates are spending enough money to fund a research initiative to … Continue reading
$500 Million for Bike Lanes. $0 for MUNI
Prop A is being promoted as providing some of the money that MUNI desperately needs to recover from years of deferred maintenance and underfunding. It turns out that NO money in the bond issue is reserved for fixing MUNI. Instead, … Continue reading
Stop Robbing MUNI – Vote No on Prop A
Everyone MUNI rider knows that the system needs improved maintenance and more money for its stations, tracks, and cars. Politicians pay lip service to giving MUNI the money it needs, but continually siphon off money voters thought was going to … Continue reading