More Productive Thoughts

FoldershareThe new computer continues to be my pleasant task master, demanding my attention and robbing me of time normally set aside for reading about yak breeding on the Internet or composing worthy blog entries.

Most of my actions have been the trivial entering of unlock registration codes and the downloading of drivers for infrequently used ancient scanners and other more esoteric devices.
allanh‘s suggestion  to use AlohaBob PC Relocator” was appreciated, but it did, indeed, arrive too late for this transfer.

I have followed Walt Mossberg’s Wall Street Journal suggestion and am trying Foldershare to keep my laptop and new desktop files in sync.  It’s fast, and actually could have been used to transfer the files, it seems.

I’m on day two of a five-day free trial of the professional version.  So far when I create a Word document or update my Quicken account on one computer, *POOF*, the other computer has the same data.  The resolution of files updated independently on both computers looks effective if inelegant.  The files in conflict are called “test.doc” and “test.doc on NOTEBOOKPC”.  Or, if I am on the notebook they’re called “test.doc” and “test.doc on DESKTOP”. I can edit and/or delete either version from either of my computers.

If anyone has any experience with Foldershare or knows more about it, I’d appreciate hearing about it before the trial expires.

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2 Responses to More Productive Thoughts

  1. allanh says:

    Interesting. It looks like a commercial service of Novell’s iFolder product. I can’t speak for FolderShare, but using iFolder is the reason that I didn’t lose EVERYthing when my home workstation died. All of my important data files are stored in iFolder, which synchronizes to both my home file server and my work laptop automatically as I work. If FolderShare works the same way, I recommend it (or a similar service) very highly.

    You could, for example, share a common data folder with Geoff, putting the FolderShare satellite client on both of your workstations. Anything one of you drops into a folder, gets automatically synchronized to the other person’s computer.

  2. ozdachs says:

    Share? Me? (I’m an only child) And with ?

    Well, it seems like a good product so far, anyway!

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