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Tag Archives: outdoor walks
Deaths Beyond Counting
A house on the 700 block of Waller caught my attention in June. As I walked by I noticed that the residents were displaying the current US COVID death toll in their front windows. Stickies formed the numbers of today’s … Continue reading
Posted in COVID, San Francisco
Tagged COVID American dead, COVID death toll, death count, outdoor walks, pandemic, plague, signs of the plague, Waller Street
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1828 Days Later
Yesterday I completed my fifth year of doing at least 30 continuous minutes of exercise a day. That means today’s five-mile outdoor walk was my 1828th day of exercise in a row. As I’ve said before, this consistency is Doug … Continue reading
Posted in Personal Life, San Francisco
Tagged exercise, outdoor walks, photography, Pomona College, San Francisco, Twin Peaks, walking
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Signs of The END
Sometime in March I decided to gather photos of the signs that marked the END of streets. Today I uploaded my 450th END to the gallery “Signs of the End” gallery. Continue reading